MOTORFEST 2024: The Achievements of UNIBO MOTORSPORT and UNIBOAT look to the Future

MOTORFEST 2024: The Achievements of UNIBO MOTORSPORT and UNIBOAT look to the Future

Bologna, November 19, 2024 – Today, the much-anticipated annual event, Motorfest, took place at the DAMSLab – Department of Arts, Piazzetta P.P. Pasolini 5/b. Organized by the student-led teams UniBo Motorsport and UniBoAT from the University of Bologna, this institutional gathering once again proved to be the perfect platform to celebrate the achievements of the past season and outline future ambitions.

The opening speech, delivered by Professor Simona Tondelli, Deputy Rector of the University of Bologna, was followed by an address from Riccardo Lutti, Team Leader of UniBo Motorsport and, starting this year, also of UniBoAT. Lutti welcomed the audience and introduced the teams, presenting two videos that highlighted the significant milestones achieved during the past season. Throughout the evening, several distinguished guests took the stage, offering fresh insights on contemporary issues and sparking engaging discussions. The event was expertly moderated by Professor Nicolò Cavina, Faculty Advisor of the team.

The first panel featured prominent speakers, including Professor Tondelli, Dr. Morena Diazzi (General Director for Knowledge, Research, Employment, and Enterprise of the Emilia-Romagna Region), Professor GianMarco Bianchi (Director of the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Bologna), and representatives from the Main Partners. These included Eng. Claudio Domenicali, CEO of Ducati Motor Holding; Eng. Riccardo Parenti, Chief Concept Engineer at Automobili Lamborghini; and Eng. Marco Benedetti, CTO of Enginium. Together, they explored the importance of digitization and sustainability in the automotive sector, sharing valuable insights from their respective industries. Their engaging discussion sparked fruitful dialogue among the audience.

During the panel, Dr. Diazzi highlighted the efforts of the Emilia-Romagna Region in fostering innovation and talent development within the motorsport industry. She announced the creation of a dedicated funding program aimed at supporting student teams participating in Formula SAE and MotoStudent competitions. This initiative recognizes the passion and dedication of young engineers who strive to excel in their projects every year. Emilia-Romagna is the first region to actively support the education and training of young students, ensuring that local excellence continues to thrive and gain international recognition.

Riccardo Lutti then returned to the stage to outline the teams’ future goals and introduced the Technical Directors of each project: Andrea Schiavoni for the hybrid vehicle, Marco Rispoli and Davide Notaro for the electric vehicle, and Enrico Mazzarra for the electric motorcycle. He also introduced the Operations Director, Joey Longanesi; the Financial Director, Manfredi Mavaro; and the department heads. Lutti highlighted key achievements, including UniBo Motorsport’s victory at the Student Spain 2024 competition, strong performances at Formula Student Austria and Formula ATA in Varano de’ Melegari, as well as UniBoAT’s impressive fourth place at the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge and a podium finish at the Sardinia Innovative Boat Week.

The second panel brought representatives from Platinum Partners to the stage, including Eng. Roberto Pollini (Head of the Industrial Automation Solutions Unit at SICK), Eng. Davide Grillini (CAE Manager at Engines Engineering), Dr. Francesco Possati (Vice President of Marposs Group), Eng. Massimiliano Parenti (Electronic Development Specialist at Alma Automotive), Eng. Mauro Dondi (Special Composites Business Developer at Reflex Allen), and Eng. Maurizio Romeo (CTO of Weaream). This discussion shifted focus to the motivations behind their partnerships with UniBo’s teams, emphasizing the trust and opportunities that emerge from stimulating, long-term collaborations.

The evening concluded with a reception, offering guests the chance to connect with one another and engage directly with members of the two teams.

This edition of Motorfest officially closes a season marked by achievements driven by passion and dedication, with hopes for an even more successful season ahead.

A special thank you goes to our sponsors, whose continued support makes these accomplishments possible.

From today, we’re ready to face the future with even greater enthusiasm!

Gaia Poggi

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