Also this year, for the second in a row, the UniBo Motorsport Team faced the FSAE Italy first competition of the 2017 season, in the scenario of the Riccardo Paletti racetrack in Varano de ’Melegari (Parma) from Wednesday 19 July to Sunday 23 July.
The event saw the participation of over 2,600 students from 23 countries around the world and 70 different universities representing 81 university teams, including 60 from Europe (18 Italians, from 16 different universities).
The event began on Thursday 20 July, with the technical inspection carried out by the Formula SAE judges which consisted of a series of checks – tech, tilt, noise, brake – concerning various aspects of the car, such as the noise test, the control test on the loss of vehicle fluids and those leaving the driver’s passenger compartment in the event of overturning and the brake test.
All tests were brilliantly passed by our UBM17 Felsinea which was thus able to access dynamic tests.
The inspection was followed from the first day by the Business Presentation, a static test that requires each team to present their original and solid business idea on the financial side.
The second day of the race focused on the other two scheduled static tests (Cost Report and Design Event) in which the total cost of the car and the engineering innovations made on it were assessed respectively.
In the Design Report we reached seventh place, thanks also to the preparation of our members to the questions of the judges and above all thanks to the creation of an APP for Android operating systems that allows you to communicate with the machine through the QR codes.
These codes are then applied as stickers in various parts of the machine where they can be scanned to have, on your smartphone or tablet, an image and a detailed description of the selected piece.

The following days saw UniBo Motorsport involved in dynamic tests such as Skip Pad (test that evaluates the car’s cornering ability), Acceleration (acceleration test), Autocross (sprint test to be performed to evaluate the car’s handling), Endurance ( evidence that evaluates the overall performance of the vehicle in an obstacle course).
In the second of these dynamic events, the team ranked third.
In particular in the endurance challenge, the car proved to have excellent potential, allowing drivers to make lap times leading the UniBo Motorsport team to get fifth overall in the competition.
The opportunity to take part in two other different stages of the Formula SAE Championship already represents an important result for UniBo Motorsport, which is preparing to start from the knowledge and experience accumulated in this race, to achieve important results in the second stage, in Germany.